
Ap calculus ab multiple choice questions 2012
Ap calculus ab multiple choice questions 2012

ap calculus ab multiple choice questions 2012

In addition to topics from Calculus AB, the AP Calculus BC exam covers the following: BC has all the same topics as AB plus some more topics. The major differences between Calculus AB and BC are the range of topics rather than difficulty. Make sure you are strong with using your graphing calculator though. You can still get away with doing very well in the exam without being “super strong” at these pre-requisite topics.

  • Functions - composite, inverse, domain and range, modulus functions and asymptotes.
  • ap calculus ab multiple choice questions 2012

    Pre-requisite topics that are required from pre calc are: Integration + applications - antiderivatives and indefinite integrals, definite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, accumulation of change, integration by substitution, area under a curve, volume of revolution, volumes of known cross sections, integral graphs, differential equations (solving basic equations and slope fields), Riemann sums (summation and integral notation), Mean Value Theorem for integrals.Differentiation + applications - first principles, average rate of change versus instantaneous rate of change at a point, connecting differentiability and continuity, basic rule plus chain rule (power, exponential, ln and trig) combined with product and quotient rule, implicit differentiation, related rates, stationary points (max and min), optimisation, increasing/decreasing, points of inflection, concavity, analysing derivate graphs and Mean Value Theorem.Continuity - defining continuity, confirming continuity, ensuring continuity, connecting limits, types of discontinuities and intermediate value theorem.Limits - defining limits, determining limits and using limits to analyse asymptotes.Graphing rational functions and finding asymptotes.Also check which course your univiersity requires. If you did well in precalculus, especially if you found this course quite easy then you should consider going taking BC. How can students decide between taking AB and BC? Precalculus is the main prerequisite for both Calculus AB and Calculus BC.

    ap calculus ab multiple choice questions 2012

    There are two AP calculus options - AB and BC. Every single AP Calculus AB and BC past exam paper including full papers, mark schemes and written mark schemes/model solutions for the multiple choice and free response questions from 1969 onwards can be found below.

    Ap calculus ab multiple choice questions 2012